surec medical app

The story of the paramedics2

technology in ambulance

Technology In Ambulane

The story of technology in ambulance as we started in the before post, is an amazing concept which can be a great assistant for emergecny personnel. And the continuation of the story of Jake and Surec.

After about 10 minutes, the street finally unlocked, and Jake continued to drive. He had wasted too much time, so he had to make up for it somehow!

Under Law, ambulances can break some road traffic rules in critical conditions where human life is in danger, such as crossing a red light, parking in the wrong place, and speeding, and other drivers can be fined if they do not allow the ambulance to pass.

So, Jake decided to drive jumping a red light. A loud sound of braking and the horns of passing vehicles were heard! Nobody didn’t hurt, but it was a pretty close call!

ambulance drives jumping the red light

There was still a long way to go, now he had no choice but to cross a one-way street to get closer.
When Jake turned into the street, a car that could not control its speed suddenly crash into the ambulance and stopped. Everyone got off while they had become dizzy. They took the driver out of his car and took him to the ambulance, and by asking him questions, they tried to assess his level of consciousness.

Everything seemed to be fine so they dropped him off and continued on their way. There was not much left. Finally, after a delay of 30 minutes, the ambulance arrived at the scene of the accident.

The role of technology in ambulance service

The team members got started to investigate and each treated one of the injured. The driver of the crashed car was trying to say something, however, his word was unclear. No one understood his words.

There were a man and a woman in the car. After examining and checking their injuries, Jake, which was tired and restless, wrote the report and put them sleeping on the stretcher. His co-workers took them into the ambulance.

The weather went dark and there was nothing but the wolves’ voices.

technology in the ambulance service by using SUREC

What happened to Rose's family?

The woman was completely unconscious and the man had no power to talk.
Patients should be taken to the hospital earlier, so Jake reported to the emergency room on his mobile phone that the two patients would soon be brought and should be prepared.

When they were boarding the ambulance, Jake realized that his shoelaces were loose. There was no light there except the blur of moonlight. He bent over to lace up his shoes.

All of a sudden, he felt something like weak light in his pocket, and someone said a doll!

What was that!!
Jake was shocked at what this sound is. At that time, he just remembered that his commander had put an electronic device in his pocket, but he still did not know how to use it.
Wow, this is capable of talking
But why it said that “the doll”?


Jake looked around, took the flashlight, and noticed more carefully. A doll had fallen on the ground. Dried up and shouted after a little pause
Oh my God, they have a child. A child was in the car!!

technology in ambulance-teddy bear is for Rose

An uninterrupted effort by Ambulance staff to rescue Rose

They all got off and began to search. Finally, Jake found little Rose under the foliage covering the car. Quickly attached oxygen to her and her rescue operation began.

Luckily she still breathed. Jake raised the car’s edge and told his friends to bring the girl out.
Although blood had flowed from her legs, she was a strong girl and was not supposed to lose her life.
Eventually, the paramedic team put Rose beside her parents in the ambulance.
The emergency room was ready, and as soon as the ambulance arrived, the doctors came to the yard and transferred three patients to the operating room.

Jake had just had the opportunity to sit on the ground after a day. He put his hand in his pocket and brought that electronic device.
He smiled and said hello to the intelligent assistant SUREC!

They went with each other to see Rose.

technology in ambulance-Jake with his patient Rose

what is paramedic technology? SUREC Hero

Surec technology in ambulances, based on an advanced and artificial intelligence-based communication platform, maintains Real Time communication between the physician in the emergency department and the accident site and sends a detailed report to the physician.


It helps crisis management in hospitals and emergency centers like Jake’s team.

With exceptional facilities, it speeds up the patient’s transfer and safety and decreases the potential risks of the loss of golden time to accept the patient.
Surec helps maintain the patient’s life as a powerful champion alongside the noble emergency team.

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