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The story of the paramedics

stories of ambulance

A new hero comes to the battlefield

The story of the Paramedics, these noble and sacrificed people, who society has always taken pride in them, would be listenable. I am here to tell you some of these fantastic stories. Story of ambulance and its missions. Story of saving lives.

A Story of the Sacrifice of Ambulance Personnel and Emergency Center on the days when people outside are in danger.

What was the story of the little Rose?

Rose is a 7-year-old girl who has just started her school summer vacation, today is going to her grandfather’s house with her parents, which is located in a stunning village 140 miles far from the city. Rose is sitting in the back seat. The mother returns and smiles at her. Rose looks a little bit bored. So, asks her mom when they get there.
Her mam says: “very soon honey”.

There is a very long, winding path through the middle of the forest leading up to the village which is usually used by timber trucks carrying wood logs.

The father’s Roze decided to cross this road as it is a memorable path. Of course, this road is not very safe, but it has attractive views.

A beautiful melody is being played.

Rose’s parents are whispering the song because it reminds them of their engagement period.
Rose is talking to her doll called Nina. When do you think we get to the grandfather’s house? Did you know that my grandfather has a large farm where live a lot of domestic animals like dogs, horses, and a beautiful duckling that is mine? and smiles at Nina.
When we get there I make get to know you with my duckling.

Suddenly, a truck showed up from the side road behind tall trees, and they collided before the father succeeded in controlling the car.

The loud sound of braking breaking car windows
and the sound of frightened birds that were flying.
Silence pervaded everywhere for a moment, and the girl was closed to tears and saw nothing but smoke and darkness.

Her body was in severe pain. However, when she tried to move her leg, caused feel intense pain. She tried to cry for help, but no one heard her voice. Passers-by reported the accident to 911. Then, the Dispatcher paged the nearest ambulance wirelessly. They sent a professional, equipped team to the scene. Among the ambulance team, there was a strong young man named Jake.

Who is Jake

Jake is the one who will tell us exciting and sometimes tragic stories about his missions from now on.

Jake is a 29-year-old paramedic with confidence, short hair, and a smile always seen from a distance. He is a member of the EMS team for 10 years. When he was just a little child always wanted to enter a job that would save people’s lives and play the role of a hero.
As a teenager, he thought the best way to accomplish this mission was to join their local emergency team.
After years of studying at university as well as practical workshops, at the age of 19, he finally passed the entrance exam of one of the hospitals in the emergency department.
During these years, he gained a lot of experience and became very skilled in his work.
Jake has an athletic build and often carries patients who get stuck in difficult situations, taking them to the ambulance.
As a result, locals have dubbed him Hercules Helper.
However, due to having to watch the not-so-pleasant scenes over and over, Jake had been depressed recently. Although he has learned not to involve his emotions in his reasoning and should make the right snap decisions in stressful moments, he is a human who has a heart and emotions. So, it is too distressing to see the suffering of people or injured and sometimes their death, even for Jake as a skilled paramedic.
story of the paramedics
Exciting story of the paramedics. Jake is a canadian paramedic who helps people in danger. the locals name him "Hercules Helper"

Story of ambulance - on the morning of the accident day

As Jake is innately committed, so he tries to seem optimistic on mission days and to keep himself motivated and ready.

But the heartbreaking days are inevitable in Jake’s life.
He was not happy that morning, he had just lost his fiancé, and looked very upset and lonely.
He was sitting on a bench in the yard, watching his co-workers playing volleyball while he was engrossed in his own thoughts. all of a sudden the siren was heard and made him out of his fantasy world, took a deep breath and walked toward the ambulance.

As he was walking to pick up his stuff, his supervisor called him and walked over to him.
Then put a device in his vest pocket. Jake asked, “What is it?” The supervisor said from now on this is your assistant.

Jake looked at the smartphone with a puzzled frown, and asked surprisingly “This!”
In fact, Jake was not a tech-savvy person at all!
He had become used to doing his job 0 to 100, from the moment he arrived at the scene of the accident until he transported the patient to the ambulance and delivered to the hospital.
On mission days sometimes he even did not check out his smartphone until midnight.
Now in his hands had an unwieldy mobile phone that his supervisor asked him to work with always.

To Jake, it was just like a vain receiver!

The supervisor began to explain no matter what Jake’s interest.
This smart assistant is SUREC App
From now on, it is supposed to be your assistant wherever and whenever you go. In difficult operating situations just order it to record. it will document everything that is watched in the surroundings in the blink of an eye.

How did Surec open its place in the story of the paramedics?

Jake smiled, ironically. Think to himself, I have enough strength, speed, and expertise, what else needs to help people’s lives? Nothing really!
Jake was not a fan of technology. He always thought that these devices had no benefit other than useless objects which just waste time. Jake was proud of his physical strength and the knowledge he had learned over the years and now he was looking at it as an annoying opponent.
Anyway, he had no choice. He had to do the leader’s order. So, he just said yes Sir, reluctantly threw his mobile phone into his right pocket, and quickly got on the ambulance.

He was accompanied by two other colleagues, a 40-year-old man named Terry, who had known Jake for about ten years. Terry had worked as an Emergency Care Assistant (ECA) and was a young man who was spending a few weeks as an intern with Jake’s team.
Jake started the ambulance and set off. Gradually increased the car’s speed, he should able to get to the scene sooner, maybe he could save some lives today and feel better.

Jake had turned on the blue siren and was pressing his foot on the accelerator pedal. However, because of rush hour, there was heavy traffic in the city. Drivers in the city tried to pull over to pass the ambulance, but the road was heavily congested and the ambulance got stuck. They had to wirelessly call another ambulance on the other side of the city and ask them to go to the reported location. The ambulance announced that it was in mission a similar accident and could not leave now. Jake and the others were angry and upset. What should they have done?

The story of paramedics goes on…

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