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SUREC Won Teknofest’s Bronze Medal

SUREC won tekmofest’s bronze medal

Congratulations, Surec is one of the winners of the TEKNOFEST Aerospace and Technology Festival.

Teknofest is an annual event that showcases the latest and greatest in tech. This year’s event was no exception and SUREC had the opportunity to showcase innovation in its product. Although SUREC won Teknofest’s Bronze medal, it is not done yet.

We are a worthy winner and deserve the best stuff for our work. We have an awesome team. And, even though we didn’t end up winning the gold medal for this event, that doesn’t negate the fact that we have




SUREC is incredibly proud to be a part of Teknofest for the 2022 awards ceremonies. A big thank you to judges, sponsors, and of course our community members for voting for SUREC.

Let’s be humble, thankful, and excited as a team. Our bronze medal is just icing on the cake
Because we build our greatest legacy up of this golden moment.

Surec won teknofest's bronze model
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