surec medical app

AI-based platform

Artificial intelligence will be increaced to 208.2 billion by 2030 in healthcare market

AI in North America

The market for ai in healthcare apps 2022 is anticipated to increase from USD 208.2 billion. From 2022 to 2030, the market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 38.4 percent. North America is expected to experience the largest growth rate during the projection period. Canada is regarded as one of the major contributors to the North American healthcare AI market. It is also a leader in the deployment of AI technology throughout the entire spectrum of healthcare. Additionally, wearable devices and routine check-up medical equipment, both of which have a high consumerization rate, are assisting market progress. moreover, the amazing thing is that we at Surak Company have already welcomed the future For diverse healthcare applications, many businesses are creating software solutions; this is the primary reason supporting the expansion of the software sector. One of the key elements supporting the expansion of the AI platform within the software industry is the high demand among software developers (particularly at universities and medical institutions), as well as the growing uses of AI in the healthcare industry.

how ai can help us

AI in healthcare ideas

In the information age that a wide range of intelligent technologies has spread through many industries, explicitly artificial intelligence has been rapidly incorporated into various industries over the past few years, with healthcare being no exception.

In order to understand how artificial intelligence can make a difference, it is important for us to know what is at risk when we don’t get help quickly enough.

The answer is simple. Our Lives!

At the present time, doctors and nurses can use the technology to guide procedures, diagnose patients, and recommend treatment options. Despite countless applicable utilizing of AI in recent years, there are not enough applications that employ smart assistants for emergency teams of an ambulance. Therefore, this article will examine the advances in artificial intelligence healthcare applications and how they can be used to provide better healthcare services. AI is showing a lot of promise in the field of emergency care. markedly., the technology has a lot of potentials to reduce fatalities in this field.

With recent technological advancements, AI is now helping doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals around the world in numerous ways to provide quick treatment and perform procedures at home or remotely without having to physically be at their desks for it to happen. This is not just limited to the medical community; with all these state-of-the-art technologies that are available today, we have seen them applied across several industries like financial services, engineering companies, and manufacturing as well.

 Surec team has taken valuable steps in this field, which can accomplish its mission beautifully with the support of hospitals and emergency department managers.

As a number of applications of AI solutions, we can name the capacity of AI systems to enhance care delivery, and patient experience, reduce costs, and the expanding uptake of electronic health records by healthcare organizations. An excellent example is Surec company that has provided an AI-powered assistant in form of a user-friendly mobile app that can play a central part in helping paramedics and other emergency ambulance teams at rescue missions.

If you are interested in getting to know some of its applicable features, please follow this page:


AI in healthcare facts

According to an Accenture research report, AI: Built to Scale, 84 percent of corporate executives think AI is essential to achieving their growth goals, however, 76 percent admit that they are having trouble implementing AI at a business-wide scale. Up until now, there hasn’t been a guide for making the move from manufacturing and scale, which many people find difficult. It’s critical that organizations take the appropriate actions to scale successfully at this inflection point. While Surec, as one of the uses of artificial intelligence in healthcare, will be scaleable in the near future to reduce the statistics of those who think it is impossible to scale AI applications.

Accenture research report, AI: Built to Scale

Surec has come to present an AI-based solution that will be used to improve the quality of care for the community. It can balance the burden of stress and physical tasks that emergency members are faced with increases concentration, and provide injured care on a 100% basis.

There are some common questions:

How can artificial intelligence help humans? Why is it not used in one of the most important parts of society whose duty is to save human lives? What better place to save lives than the emergency team?!!

Possible Answers

The EMTs may face situations daily and at any single moment that requires them to save people's lives with full concentration, and this is not possible except with the help of an advanced communication platform. And this is where artificial intelligence enters. Surec in a form of AI-hero has come to play its part in the best possible way   particularly, the ambulance team in heartbreaking accidents and incidents that may happen at any moment and the life of a citizen is in danger. This is where artificial intelligence comes to the rescue and increases the speed of saving people and reduces possible humans mistake.
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how can artificial intelligence help humans

A considerable percentage of blue-collar and white-collar jobs will be replaced by robots and digital agents, according to roughly half (48 percent) of the experts questioned by Pew Research. However, AI in the medical field has already penetrated healthcare in areas such as radiology and cancer detection, positioning it to become ever more prevalent. Perhaps due to this, some are worried that AI is coming to replace their jobs – fears that experts say are largely unfounded as Artificial intelligence and machine learning in order to function well frequently require a lot of data, which must be gathered and analyzed by humans. Additionally, a human element is crucial because AI in healthcare is now primarily used to aggregate and analyze data, look for trends and patterns, and generate recommendations. Artificial Intelligence applications might not be replacing human doctors but their efficiency is still incomparable. The AI can prioritize the patient’s care and search through a massive amount of data in a matter of minutes. There is no room for mistakes in this field as any mistake could result in death. Some medical professionals are concerned that these AIs won’t be enough to replace experienced healthcare professionals but there is little evidence to support this claim so far.

The market for AI in healthcare is being driven by the growing adoption of machine learning technology (particularly deep learning) in numerous healthcare applications like inpatient monitoring & hospital administration, drug development, medical imaging & diagnostics, and cybersecurity. Additionally, robot-assisted surgeries, virtual assistants, patient management, claims management, cybersecurity, and other fields have all incorporated AI-based platform. To improve the early diagnosis, AI algorithms were trained using patient health statistics. The market is expanding as a result of facilitating government initiatives, an increase in private investments, and the rise of startups that specialize in AI across the globe. Due to the rapidly increasing acceptance rates of software solutions in healthcare systems and the expanding use of these technologies in several applications, software solutions will dominate in 2022. Thanks to AI algorithms, doctors and hospitals will be able to better evaluate data and tailor each patient’s health care to their genes, surroundings, and lifestyle. From identifying brain tumors to choosing the most effective cancer treatment for a certain patient, AI will be the driving force behind the revolution in personalized medicine. Furthermore, in the emergency management system (EMS) AI-based applications like Surec will take over in reducing medical costs, human resource energy, and financial insurance in accidents.

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